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Posthumous Glee

Try this little nonsense rhyme

It might mean something to you, sometime

Decipher phrases, words on screen

And you decide what it may mean.


When posthumously I am famed

This poem will become acclaimed

As one of worth for generations

To be read in schools ’cross twenty nations


If it was some treasured tome

How hurt I’d be, if you then seek

To change it’s meaning as you roam

Through words you think I meant to speak


Then I would shift, my ashes spent

And rise again in sore lament

That you can violate my worth

But think you’ve given second birth!


There never was a secret code

Alas! there was no treasure

What you see is what you get

It’s just an ode for selfish pleasure


To see you squirm for hour

on hour as professors tell you their

opinion of what I meant, but didn’t say

And how my life reflects what isn’t there


Poetic justice has it’s place

And I achieve the perfect crime

To see the flushing of your face

For just a nonsense rhyme


Amanda Sam 2020